Reviewer Guidelines

1. Peer review process

Upon receipt of a manuscript, the editors will first evaluate whether it fits within the publishing profile of the journal and meets basic standards of quality. If the manuscript passes the initial editorial review, it will be assigned to a responsible editor. The next step is a double-blind peer review by two independent peers who hold a PhD or equivalent degree and are familiar with the research field. The editors will make the final decision regarding acceptance/rejection of the manuscript. 

2. Procedures for peer review

As a peer reviewer for Barn – forskning om barn og barndom i Norden, we ask you to provide a general evaluation of the manuscript and, in particular, comment on the following points:

  • Topicality and originality
  • Relevance for the journal’s multidisciplinary profile and its emphasis on childhood studies
  • Legibility, structure, disposition, language and presentation
  • Sufficiently descriptive title and abstract
  • Consideration of method and ethics
  • Theoretical underpinnings
  • Analytical level, critical reflection, and correlation between the research problem, analysis and conclusion
  • References and formatting according to the journal’s guidelines

Positive aspects of the manuscript should be emphasized. Any other remarks – in particular, suggestions for scientific improvement – should also be mentioned.

Your review may be written as a separate evaluation, following the points listed above, and/or as comments made directly in the manuscript file.

Either way, your evaluation should clearly state whether you recommend:

  1. Accepting the manuscript (i.e., no need for any revision)
  2. Requiring revision (i.e., accept if the author makes your suggested minor revisions)
  3. Resubmitting for review (i.e., after revision, the paper will undergo another round of peer review)
  4. Declining the submission (i.e., the manuscript is substandard)

The peer review process is reciprocally anonymous at Barn. Therefore, please be sure that your identity cannot be inferred from any files you send us with your review. More information about ensuring a blind review and instructions for anonymizing files can be found here.

We ask that peers complete their reviews within six weeks.