Author Guidelines

Barn – forskning om barn og barndom i Norden is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. We primarily publish scientific articles and book reviews. In this overview, you will find information regarding our guidelines and procedures for submitting manuscripts. We look forward to receiving your contribution!


  • Barn accepts the following types of submissions: scientific articles (peer-reviewed), book reviews (reviewed editorially), and essays (reviewed editorially)
  • Manuscripts are submitted electronically via the journal’s electronic platform
  • All manuscripts must be thoroughly edited and proofread prior to submission.
  • Manuscripts for scientific articles must be anonymized, and a title page must be uploaded as a separate file. Please see additional instructions for anonymization.
  • All authors must fulfil our criteria for authorship. Please see our list of criteria.
  • Manuscripts may be in Norwegian, Danish, Swedish or English.
  • All manuscripts must fulfil the criteria for scientific articles or book reviews. Please see the checklist further down on this page. Manuscripts that do not adhere to these criteria will not be considered.
  • The journal has an article processing charge (APC) of NOK 2000 excl. VAT for accepted submissions.


All articles are reviewed in accordance with the double-blind principle (read more about the peer-review process). The review process requires significant time and effort on the part of the editorial staff and external reviewers. Therefore, manuscripts submitted to Barn may not be under consideration at or submitted to other journals simultaneously.

We note that Cappelen Damm Akademisk uses the plagiarism detection service iThenticate, which compares submissions with published research and other material available online.


Scientific articles must not exceed 7000 words, including the abstract, reference list, charts, tables, etc.

All articles are reviewed in accordance with the double-blind principle, which means that all scientific articles must be anonymized before submission. All explicit references to the author(s) in the text and the reference list must therefore be removed.

The manuscript file must include:

  • Title (in original language and in English)
  • Abstract (maximum 150 words, in original language and in English)
  • 4–5 keywords (in original language and in English)
  • Article manuscript
  • References in alphabetical order

In a separate document:

  • Title page including title of the article, author(s), institutional affiliation(s), email address(es), and invoicing address.
  • Author presentation: 3–4 sentences about educational background, current position and professional areas of interest.

Formatting standards:

  • Font size 12, single line spacing, Times New Roman.
  • Main headings and subheadings should be clearly indicated. Use no more than three heading levels.
  • Use italics for emphasis instead of bold or underlining (except for URLs).
  • Direct speech and references to direct speech should be within quotation marks.
  • Paragraphs should be indicated by blank lines.
  • Short quotes shall be set within quotation marks as part of the running text. Set longer quotes (those exceeding three sentences) as block quotations. Do not place quotation marks around block quotes.
  • All quoted material requires a reference placed in parentheses directly after the quote. References for quotes within the running text are placed before the sentence’s punctuation mark; place the reference for a block quotation after the final punctuation mark. Titles of books and terms used in the body text can be highlighted using either italics or quotation marks.
  • Please keep the use of notes to a minimum. If necessary, notes should be numbered and placed after the reference list as endnotes.
  • Explicit references to the author(s) must be anonymized (XXX, 201x).
  • Acknowledgments, dedications, and information about financing should be placed after the main text body, and before the reference list and endnotes.
  • Files should be submitted in .doc or .docx format.
  • Tables, charts or other illustrations are to be numbered and placed within the main body. For example: Table 1: [table caption], Figure 1: [figure caption].
  • Do not use double spacing after punctuation.


The reference list is an important part of the article, and authors must ensure that the information it contains is correct and set according to the journal’s chosen reference system, APA 7.

Please follow APA 7 style for both in-text citations and the reference list.

  • Articles in Norwegian should follow the Norwegian APA style guide developed by Sikt. See Sikt’s own manual.
  • Articles in English, Swedish, and Danish should follow the original APA 7 style. See the instructions in the APA Style Blog or Purdue University’s APA guidelines.


Illustrations and tables should be numbered consecutively and placed exactly where they are meant to appear in the running text of the manuscript. In addition, illustrations should be submitted as separate documents.

The number of illustrations and tables should be limited. They should be self-explanatory, with brief titles and/or captions.

All illustrations and tables must be cleared for publication under the journal’s license (CC BY 4.0) by the author. Where tables, figures or illustrations are not made by the author(s), permissions must be obtained and proper references must be provided.

Authors are responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions to include content made by others. Photographs, illustrations and other images are protected by Norwegian copyright laws, and Barn does not publish third-party content without written consent from the creator and/or copyright holder.


We welcome book reviews that are in line with the journal profile:

  • Book reviews should not exceed 1500 words, including references.
  • The author should provide a title for the review, followed by the text “A review of”, the author’s name, year of publication, title of the book, publisher, and number of pages. (For example: Article title. A review of Hoveid, M. H. et al. (2019), Undervisning som veiledning. Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 242 pages).
  • Headings, format, quotations, use of italics, references etc. should follow the same formatting standards indicated for peer-reviewed articles above.


  • Essays must be well structured, clearly presented, and reflect a high degree of expertise on the topic.
  • Essays are evaluated by the editorial team only; they are not peer reviewed.
  • The submission must have a title in the original language as well as English, but does not require an abstract or keywords.
  • Essay submissions must have a title in English as well the original language, but abstracts and keywords are not required.
  • Essays must not exceed 2500 words.