Pædagogers betydning for børn med lavmælte handlingers deltagelsesmuligheder i legefællesskaber


  • Lasse Stenmann Ellebæk University College South Denmark, Denmark
  • Benedicte Bernstorff University College South Denmark, Denmark https://orcid.org/0009-0005-0003-0896
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23865/barn.v42.5640


I denne artikel udforskes 0–3-årige børns lavmælte handlinger i forhold til, hvordan både barnet og dets handlinger gøres synlige for andre børn og pædagoger. Flere studier har undersøgt børns deltagelse i fællesskaber og børns mulighed for at blive synlige i sociale sammenhænge, men få studier omhandler de 0–3-årige. Empirien består af observationer og interviews med pædagoger i tre dagtilbud i forskellige danske kommuner. Analysen viser, at når pædagoger agerer højtalere for børnene ved at tolke og oversætte deres handlinger for de andre børn, får børnene øje på hinanden og forbinder sig relationelt i legefællesskaber. På tværs af disse fund træder pædagogers situationelle nærvær frem som en væsentlig forudsætning for, at deltagelsesmuligheder øges for børn med lavmælte handlinger.

English abstract

Enhancing Children with Subdued Actions’ Participation Opportunities in Play Communities: The Role of ECEC Professionals

This article explores the subdued actions of 0–3-year-old children in relation to how both they and their actions are made visible to other children and ECEC (Early Childhood Education and Care) professionals. Several research studies have investigated children’s participation in communities and their ability to become visible in social contexts, but few studies have examined 0–3-year-old children. The empirical data consists of observations and interviews with ECEC professionals in three ECEC settings in different Danish municipalities. The analysis shows that when ECEC professionals act as loudspeakers for the children by interpreting and translating their actions to the other children, the children become aware of each other and relate to each other in play communities. Across these findings, the situational presence of ECEC professionals emerges as an essential prerequisite for increasing participation opportunities for children with subdued actions.

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How to Cite

Ellebæk, L. S., & Bernstorff, B. (2024). Pædagogers betydning for børn med lavmælte handlingers deltagelsesmuligheder i legefællesskaber. Barn – forskning om barn og barndom i Norden, 42(2). https://doi.org/10.23865/barn.v42.5640





subdued actions, ECEC professionals acting as loudspeakers, pedagogical translation work, situational presence, positioning