Hva gjøres for å fremme fysisk aktivitet i barnehager? : En komparativ studie av førskolelæreres virksomhet i 1981 og 2009


  • Anne Stokke
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5324/barn.v31i1.3714


This article shows evidence from two identical surveys from 1981 and 2009, where the kindergarten teachers themselves write/report what kind of activities they do to promote physical activity. When the results are compared, they show that more is done today to promote physical activity, than in 1981. ”To renew the physical environment” was the only measure less taken. One explanation might be more natural environment in the kindergartens – therefore there is less need for renewal of playgrounds. In both surveys, ”to give credit” had the highest and ”to give extra assistance to individual children” had the lowest score. ”To start activities” and ”to lead activities” were the measures with the least increase, but they were both well-used both years. The results show an increase in activity. This can imply that more measures are taken today, but further research is required to find what is actually done.

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How to Cite

Stokke, A. . (2013). Hva gjøres for å fremme fysisk aktivitet i barnehager? : En komparativ studie av førskolelæreres virksomhet i 1981 og 2009. Barn – forskning om barn og barndom i Norden, 31(1). https://doi.org/10.5324/barn.v31i1.3714


