Et blikk på barns vilkår for fysisk aktivitet inne i barnehager: En komparativ studie, 1981 og 2009


  • Anne Stokke Høgskolen i Finnmark


The physical environment matters for children’s playing and learning, and it is important for the quality of the operation of the kindergarten. What kind of indoor environment are the children offered? How much time do the children get to play indoors and what kinds of restrictions are attributed to active, physical play? The article will especially focus on physical play and changes over time. Therefore, it will compare the results of a countryrepresentative quantitative survey done in 2009 with a corresponding mapping-survey done in 1981 (Stokke 1982). The results show that there are relatively large
changes and they are mostly negative with regards to the children’s possibilities for physical activity indoors. If a higher number of ”outdoor-kindergartens” can account for the indoor conditions for physical activity becoming poorer, the results are positive. Other explanations can be unsuitable buildings; too little emphasis on, and knowledge on the importance of the physical environment for playing; or an emphasis on school-preparatory activities. If this involves more sedentary activities indoors and less play outdoors, I regard it as a negative development from a physical activity perspective.

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How to Cite

Stokke, A. (2012). Et blikk på barns vilkår for fysisk aktivitet inne i barnehager: En komparativ studie, 1981 og 2009. Barn – forskning om barn og barndom i Norden, 30(1).


